What is Your Greatest Fear?

What is your greatest fear?
by Dr. Kristi Lemley

Recently, I led a retreat for women in ministry. In my morning devotion, I heard the Lord ask this question: "What is your greatest fear?" I quickly wrote down the question and knew that was the place to begin the morning session with the women.

As I sat in the quiet longer, the Lord revealed the importance of facing our greatest fear. The Lord cannot heal or deliver us from our fear if we refuse to acknowledge it. I was slightly intimidated by this assignment, but as I continued to sit the Lord spoke further.

There is a reason for our fear. Here are four reasons the Lord unveiled regarding fear.  
~There in resides the need for a wound to be healed. Maybe you have been hurt which triggered a lack of trust in people or even the Lord. Allow the Lord to come in and heal that wound. Invite Him to that place of brokenness and receive wholeness.
~There in resides the need to replace the lies of the enemy with the truth of God. Are you responding with fear because you do not believe God loves you? Ask the Lord the reveal the lie you believe and what His truth says about the matter.
~There in resides the need to let God out of our box and allow Him to be who He truly is. Sometimes we shrink God to our size and forget how mighty and awesome He is. Praise Him and all the wonders He has done. This will help remind you how BIG God really is.
~There in resides the need to put our eyes on Jesus and keep our perspective in the mind of Christ. When circumstances seem overwhelming, we tend to take our eyes off of the Lord and look at the situation around us. We become swallowed up for what we see in the natural that we forget the spiritual. To help readjust your line of sight, thank Jesus for all that He has already done for you and how good He has been.

I encourage each person reading this to take time to be still before the Lord and address your greatest fear. The Lord required me to do this exercise with the ladies. I was amazed at what He brought out of my heart. I think you will be surprised also. The Lord only asks us to face something because He wants to remove it.

What would your life look like if fear was not an issue or you were never held back because of something that wasn't true? Allow the Light to shine in the darkness and expose the enemy's plot to keep you from true, abiding peace.

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