Can God still use me if I keep making the same mistakes over and over?

Can God use me if I keep making the same mistakes over and over?

Kristi’s Answer-

The short answer- “Yes.” God never gives up on us even when we think He should. Our view of offering second, third, and fourth chances is limited by what we would do. The saying goes, “Shame on you for the first time something happens, then shame on me if it happens again.” What does this mean? That anyone can do something to us the first time, but if we go back and they do it again, we should have known better. This worldly thought pattern is not God’s. He is patient with us. He is slow to anger and does not reward us according to our sins. Every time we repent, our sins are as far as the east is from the west (Psalm 103:8-18).
The long answer- “Yes.” However, if you continue to repeat a behavior, pattern, or attitude then I would encourage you to allow the Lord to search your heart. It will likely reveal there is a stronghold in your life. A stronghold is a lie that you believe that has taken root in your heart. For example, I used to believe I had to take care of myself. This made it exceedingly difficult for me to trust the Lord. I would worry and try to figure things out on my own, usually ending up with me frustrated and out of His will. It was not until I was tired of repeating this pattern that the Lord revealed an inner vow I made when I was back in high school. I had to repent and ask the Lord to heal that inner wound. Once the stronghold released and was broken, it made it much easier to trust the faithfulness of God.

Regardless of what this “mistake” is, turn to the Lord. Ask Him to help you, heal you, and deliver you. God created you with a great purpose. It is time to end the trips around the mountain by climbing over it and conquering it. You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you (Philippians 4:13).

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david - January 24th, 2023 at 10:48am

i keep masturbatating,and commiting other sins i dont know how to unsubscribe from these and be holy,so i can reviececat ones the blessings of the righteous

- February 16th, 2023 at 8:54am

Hi David. Ask the Lord to reveal the open door for these sins. Then repent and ask Him to completely deliver you. If your mind returns to these thoughts. Take the thoughts captive and do not entertain them. Renew your mind with the Word of God.

Tracy - October 4th, 2023 at 10:01pm

I have a terrible anger management problem… I first was diagnosed with bipolar, which I don’t claim then they retested me, and said I don’t have it.. But there are times my anger gets the best of me that I get out of control.. I cuss, scream, threaten, would even put my hands on someone… And I HATE that I do this! It’s so embarrassing and I feel less than when it all happens.. I repent every time and ask God to deliver me from it, I renounce it all… I even try so hard not to get so angry… I feel like I won’t make it to spend eternity with Christ Jesus if I continue.. I’m sure Jesus is tired of me by now.. I need help…. How can I say I’m a “True Christian “, if I do these things?





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