I am humbled that you would prayerfully contemplate entrusting me to speak at your event. My heart is for every person to know how deeply loved and valued they are by Jesus. Then with this knowledge, to live on fire for Him and walk in wholeness to accomplish all that God has created, called, and anointed them to do. If this resonates with you, we should connect.
~ Kristi ~
She has a passion for revival, inner healing, the Holy Spirit, and an array of other topics. She seeks the Lord for every message as she preaches prophetically wherever she goes. If you would like to begin the conversation of inviting her, please reach out via the Contact Us page.
The story of Jairus’ daughter in Luke 8:40-56 is the foundation for this message. Our decisions during pivotal moments determines our miracle.
Overflow with the Holy Spirit. Acts 4-5 shares how the disciples were so full of the Spirit that they overflowed and those around them were transformed. This is one of the most requested messages.
Revivalist, prophetic preacher, and author Kristi Lemley is passionate about connecting people with Jesus. An ordained minister with the Assemblies of God and completing a Doctor of Ministry from the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary, Kristi also serves the churches in her section as the Presbyter.
Her passion is to seek the presence of Jesus and make Him known through personal, fresh, and daily encounters with Him. This allows us to walk in wholeness, freedom, and power.
Kristi travels nationally and internationally preaching and praying for people. She has authored two books, Ablaze: Prepare Your Heart for Revival and Transformed: Live God’s Best, and served as a podcast and television host. Kristi loves mentoring women in ministry and teaching others how to preach the Word through Ascent College and AGTS.
Kristi and her husband Kraig reside in Brighton, Illinois with their dog Kooper and their cat Kallie. She loves to hang out with family and friends playing games, bargain shopping, and you can find her reading a good book in a lounge chair.