Out with the Old and In with the New

From the heart of Kristi

Out with the old and in with the new. This was a phrase that broke my heart years ago. My beloved grandmother passed away in 1991, and my grandpa remarried shortly thereafter. His new wife spoke these words to my sister and I and altered our family for a period of time. I did not want to move on. The loss of my grandmother was very painful. She was such a strong German woman who loved the Lord. No one could replace her.

Still, even years later, typing those words pierce my heart as my family was torn apart for months. But praise the Lord, God restored our family and brought healing. The pain did not immediately cease and reflecting now brings a slight amount of grief.

What was the lesson I learned? That time does not heal all wounds. Time does help grief in a specific way that life goes on, but it does not mend the heart. Only the Lord can heal the heart.

Is there pain in your life right now? What was your 2021 like? Was there loss and heartache? Did confusion over unmet prayer requests bring doubt and trigger unbelief?

People often say that a new year brings about renewed hope and excitement. But what about for those struggling? This is where choice comes in. God will not "make" us let go of pain and move forward. He only urges us on into a deeper relationship with Him so that He can transform our lives.

If you had a difficult 2021, then I encourage you to invite the Spirit into those places of pain and allow Him to shine His light, love, and life in those areas. Don't begin 2022 with residual struggles and bondage from the past. Right now, open  your hands with your palms facing upward. Ask the Lord to take your disappointments, fears, sadness, anger, and any other emotion that you want to give up. Offer them up as a fragrance of praise and humility trusting that He will take them. Then, sit in His presence and allow the Spirit to minister to you. For those who wait upon the Lord shall be renewed with strength. They shall run and not grow weary, they shall walk and not grow faint (Isaiah 40:31).

Friend, 2022 has great things in store for you but only if you lay down 2021. Take with you what was good and leave the negative behind. God has a purpose and plan for your life that begins with today.

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