Watch the Tide Charts

from the heart of Kristi:

Anytime before I visit Shell Island, I always check the tide charts. Wading through the strong current to arrive at the island is difficult enough, but to do it when the tide is up almost makes it impossible. The flow of water around my waist or chest can pull me off my feet so quickly.  Whereas the strength at my knees weakens the waters ability to cause me to lose my footing. The tide chart tells me when it’s the safest and wisest time to go.

Why did I share about tide charts? Life can attempt to pull us down and sometimes it succeeds. We are buffeted by the waters and strong currents of culture, political, or familiar issues and if we are not careful, they will take us under. Stress and wanting to fit in cause us to compromise or turn to other things to cope. Yet, we have a tide chart that will help us with life situations and struggles-the Word of God.

The Bible gives such wisdom and direction for our lives that we NEVER have to wonder into the waters of life without the presence of the Lord. The Word is alive and powerful and accomplishes that for which it is sent  (Hebrews 4:12). This is such a comforting thought. We never have to worry about being overwhelmed by life because we already have the chart. We know how to call upon the name of the Lord for every need and that He is faithful to divinely intervene. He is our Rock and our Fortress. An every present Help in time of trouble.

I want to encourage you today to read the tide chart! Grab your Bible, find a comfortable chair and read what to avoid and run in freedom. You won't be sorry you did. You will only wish that you hadn't read it sooner.

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